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1. 2004年11月,北京市气象学会2004年优秀气象科技论文三等奖

2. 2006年3月,获日本名古屋大学“陆地生态系统碳与水循环培训合格证书”

3. 2007年11月,获中国气象学会2007年年会气象分会优秀论文一等奖

4. 2008年3月,获中国科学院王宽诚访问学者奖学金

5. 2008年8月,获名古屋大学访问教授资格证

6. 2008年2月,美国华盛顿世界银行会议特邀报告

7. 2014年1月,中国科学院所级先进工作者

8. 2016年8月,气象科技进步成果奖

9. 2016年10月,中国精品期刊顶尖学术论文领跑者5000论文



1. Dan L, J. Ji, and Y. Li, 2002: Climate simulations based on a different-grid nested and coupled model, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 19,487-499.

2. Ma Z., L. Dan, and Y. Hu, 2004: The extreme dry/wet events in Northern China during recent 100 years, Journal of Geographical Sciences, Vol.14, 275-281.

3. Dan L., J.Ji, and Y. Li, 2005: Climatic and biological simulations in a two-way coupled atmosphere-biosphere model (CABM), Global and Planetary Change, Vol.47, 153-169.

4. Dan L, J.Ji, and P. Zhang,, 2005: The soil moisture of China in a high resolution climate-vegetation model, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.22, 720-729.

5. He Y., L.Dan, W. Dong, J. Ji, and D. Qin, 2005: The terrestrial NPP simulations in China since Last Glacial Maximum, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.50, 2074-2079

何勇,丹利,董文杰, 季劲钧,秦大河,2005:末次冰盛期以来中国陆地植被净初级生产力的模拟,科学通报,50(11),1119-1124.

6. He Y.,W. Dong,J. Ji,and L. Dan, 2005: The Terrestrial NPP Simulation in China since 6ka BP. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, Vol.19,492-500.

7. Dan L., J. Ji, and Y. He (2007), Use of ISLSCP II data to intercompare and validate the terrestrial net primary production in a land surface model coupled to a general circulation model, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D02S90, doi:10.1029/2006JD007721.

8. Dan L., and J.Ji, 2007: The surface energy, water, carbon flux and their intercorrelated seasonality in a global climate-vegetation coupled model, Tellus B, 425–438. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0889.2007.00274.x

9. Dan L., J.Ji, and Y. Li, 2007: The interactive climate and vegetation along the Pole-Equator-Pole belts simulated by a global coupled model, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.24, 239-249.

10. Dan L., J. Ji, and H. Liu, 2008: Use of a land surface model to evaluate the observed soil moisture of grassland at Tongyu reference site, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 25, 1073-1084.

11. Zhi H., P.X. Wang, and L .Dan, Y.Q. Yu, Y.F. Xu, and W.P. Zheng, 2009: Climate-vegetation interannual variability in a coupled atmosphere-ocean-land Model, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.26, 599-612.

12. Mao J.F., and L. Dan, B. Wang, Y.J Dai, 2010: Simulation and evaluation of terrestrial ecosystem NPP with M-SDGVM over continental China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.27, 427-442..

13. Dan L.,J.J. Ji, Z.H. Xie,F.Chen, G. Wen, and J.E. Richey, 2012: Hydrological Projections of Climate Change Scenarios over the 3H Region of China: A VIC Model Assessment. J. Geophys. Res.,117,D11102,doi:10.1029/2011JD017131.

14. Peng J., L. Dan, and W.J. Dong, 2013: Estimate of extended long-term LAI data set derived from AVHRR and MODIS based on the correlations between LAI and key variables of the climate system from 1982 to 2009, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34, 7761-7778.

15. Peng J., L. Dan, and W.J. Dong, 2014: Are there interactive effects of physiological and radiative forcing produced by increased CO2 concentration on changes of land hydrological cycle? Global and Planetary Change, 112, 64-78.

16. Peng J., L. Dan, M. Huang, 2014: Sensitivity of global and regional terrestrial carbon storage to the direct CO2 effect and climate change based on the CMIP5 Model Intercomparison, PLoS ONE, Vol.9, e95282. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095282

17. Fu C.B, and L. Dan, 2014: The trend of drizzle to heavy precipitation over south China and its possible relationship with anthropogenic aerosols, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.31, 480–491, doi: 10.1007/s00376-013-2102-7.

18. Lü M.Z., T.S. Hu, L.Dan, and M.X Lü,2014: Daily streamflow simulation in a small-scale farmland catchment using modified SWAT model, Transactions of the ASABE, Vol.57, 31-41, doi:10.13031/trans.57.10134.

19. Dan L., F.Q. Cao, and R. Gao, 2015: The improvement of a regional climate model by coupling a land surface model with eco-physiological processes: A case study in 1998, Climatic Change,129(3-4),457-470. doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0997-8.

20. Ali, S., L. Dan, C.B Fu, and F. Khan, 2015: Twenty first century climatic and hydrological changes over Upper Indus Basin of Himalayan region of Pakistan, Environmental Research Letter,Vol.10, 014007,doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/1/014007

21. Ali, S., L. Dan, C. B. Fu, and Y. Yang, 2015: Performance of convective parameterization schemes in Asia using RegCM: Simulations in three typical regions for the period 1998–2002. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32(5), 715–730, doi:10.1007/s00376-014-4158-4

22. Peng J., L. Dan, 2015: Impacts of CO2 concentration and climate change on the terrestrial carbon flux using six global climate-carbon coupled models, Ecological Modelling, 304, 69-83, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.02.0

23. Fu C.B., L. Dan, Y.L. Chen, and J.X Tang, 2015: Trends of the sunshine duration and diffuse radiation percentage on sunny days in urban agglomerations of China during 1960–2005, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol.34, 206-211

24. Wang Shuyu ,Fu Congbin, Wei Helin, Qian Yun, Xiong Zhe, Feng Jinming, Zhao Deming, Dan Li, Han Zhiwei, Su Bingkai, Zhao Ming, Zhang Yaocun, Tang Jianping, Liu Hongnian, Wu Jian, Zeng Xinmin, Chen Min, Wang Lizhi,2015: Regional integrated environmental modeling system: development and application. Climatic Change,129 (3-4), 499-510.

25. Junjiong Shao, Xuhui Zhou, Yiqi Luo, Guodong Zhang, Wei Yan, Jiaxuan Li, Bo Li, Li Dan et al.2016, Uncertainty analysis of terrestrial net primary productivity and net biome productivity in China during 1901–2005, JGR-Biogeosciences, 121(5), 1372-1393.

26. Fu C.B., L. Dan,H. Chen, X. He , 2017: The spatiotemporal characteristics of light rain days and low cloud cover under heavy pollution over south china.Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2017, 23(2),229-236.

27. Huang M., M.Hao, S.Q.Wang,L.Dan, F.X. Gu, Z.S. Wang, H.Gong, 2018: Links between Western Pacific Subtropical High and vegetation growth in China Intercomparison. J. Geogr. Sci., 28(1), 3-14.

28. Fu C.B., L. DAN, 2018: The Variation of Cloud Amount and Light Rainy Days under Heavy Pollution over South China during 1960-2009. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(3), 2369–2376.

29. Meng Luo, Jinming Feng, Zhongfeng Xu,Yongli Wang,Li Dan,Evaluating the performance of five twentieth-century reanalysis datasets in reproducing the severe drought in northern China during the 1920s-1930s Theoretical and Applied Climatology,137(1-2),187-199 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-2591-5

30. Cao F.Q., T. Gao, L. Dan,Z.G. Ma,X.J. Yang, and F.Q. Yang, 2018: Contribution of large-scale circulation anomalies to variability of summer precipitation extremes in northeast China. Atmos Sci Lett., 19(12), e867. https://doi.org/10.1002/asl.867.

31. Yang Qidong, Dan Li, Wu Jian, Jiang Rouyi, Dan Jingyu, Li Weidong, Yang Fuqiang, Yang Xiujing, and Xia Lan, 2018: The improved freeze-thaw process of a climate-vegetation model: Calibration and validation tests in the source region of the Yellow River. JGR-Atmospheres, 123(23),DOI:10.1029/2017JD028050.

32. Peng J., L. Dan, Y.P. Wang, X.B. Tang, X.J. Yang, F.Q. Yang, X.J. Lu, and B. Pak, 2018: Role contribution of biological nitrogen fixation to future terrestrial net land carbon accumulation under warming condition at centennial scale. Journal of Cleaner Production, 202, 1158-1166.

33. 符传博,丹利,冯锦明,彭静,营娜,2018:我国对流层二氧化碳非均匀动态分布特征及其成因,地球物理学报, 2018, 61(11),4373-4382

34. Yang, F. Q., L. Dan, J. Peng, X. J. Yang, Y. Y, Li, and D. D. Gao, 2019: Subdaily to seasonal change of surface energy and water flux of the Haihe River Basin in China: Noah and Noah-MP assessment. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36(1), 79–92,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-018-8035-4.

35. Fuqiang Cao, Tao Gao,Li Dan,Zhuguo Ma,Xiaolong Chen, Liwei Zou, Lixia Zhang,2019: Synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with summertime daily precipitation extremes in the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, Climate Dynamics,53, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-04687-3.

36. Shan Lin, Genxu Wang , Jinming Feng , Li Dan , Xiangyang Sun, Zhaoyong Hu, Xiaopeng Chen, and Xiao Xiao, A Carbon Flux Assessment Driven by Environmental Factors Over the Tibetan Plateau and Various Permafrost Regions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 124. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JG004789.

37. Fuqiang Cao, Tao Gao, Li Dan, Lian Xie and Xiang Gong, 2019: Variability of Summer Precipitation Events Associated with Tropical Cyclones over Mid-Lower Reaches of Yangtze River Basin: Role of the El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation. Atmosphere, 10, 256; doi:10.3390/atmos10050256

38. PengJing, Wang YingPing, Houlton Benjamin Z, Dan Li, Pak Bernard, and Tang Xiba. 2019: Global carbon sequestration is highly sensitive to model-based formulations of nitrogen fixation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi:10.1029/2019GB006296.

39. Ali Shaukat,Eum Hyung-Il, Cho Jaepil, Dan Li, Khan Firdos, Dairaku K.,Shrestha Madan Lall, Hwang Syewoon,Nasim Wajid, Khan Imtiaz Ali, and Fahad Shah. 2019: Assessment of climate extremes in future projections downscaled by multiple statistical downscaling methods over Pakistan. Atmospheric Research, 222, 114–133.

40. Wang Yongli Feng Jinming Dan Li Lin Shan and Tian Jing. 2019:The impact of uniform and nonuniform CO2 concentrations on global climatic change. Theor Appl Climatol, 10.1007/s00704-019-02924-7,1-11.

41. Fu Chuanbo, Dan Li, Tang Jiaxiang, Yang Wei, 2019:Spatiotemporal variation of NO2 and sub-regional transport during winter pollution events in Haikou, China. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 25(3), 365-372.

42. Fu Chuanbo, Dan Li, Lin Xiaobin,and Yang Fuqiang. 2019:Long-term change of total cloud cover and its possible reasonover South China during 1960–2012.Atmos Sci Lett., 2019;20:e943. https://doi.org/10.1002/asl.943.

43. Cao Fuqiang, Dan Li, Ma Zhuguo, Gao Tao, 2020: Assessing the regional climate impact on terrestrial ecosystem over East Asia using coupled models with land use and land cover forcing during 1980-2010. Scientific Reports (accepted).

44. 毛嘉富,王斌,丹利,李银鹏,2005:新一代格点大气环流模式与陆面生态模式AVIM的耦合研究,大气科学,第29卷第6期,897-910

45. 何勇,董文杰,季劲钧,丹利, 2005: 基于AVIM的中国陆地生态系统净初级生产力模拟,地球科学进展,第20卷第3期, 345-349

46. 丹利,季劲钧,马柱国,2007:新疆植被生产力与叶面积指数的变化及其对气候的响应,生态学报,第27卷第9期,3582-3592

47. 何勇,董文杰,郭晓寅,丹利,2007:基于MODIS的中国陆地植被生长及其与气候的关系,生态学报,第27卷12期,5086-5092

48. 罗云峰, 丹利,施春华,王小曼,2008:2008年度大气科学领域项目评审与研究成果分析,地球科学进展,23(12),1324-1249

49. 丹利,谢明,2009:基于MODIS资料的贵州植被叶面积指数的时空变化及其对气候的响应. 气候与环境研究,第14卷第5期,1-10

50. 智海,王盘兴,俞永强,丹利,徐永福,郑伟鹏,2009:一个海洋大气动态植被耦合模式评估-海洋环流模拟,气候与环境研究,第14卷第2期,131-142

51. 智海,丹利,俞永强,徐永福,王盘兴,2009:东亚地区陆地植被净初级生产力与气候的夏季演变模拟,气象学报,第67卷第6期,1032-1044

52. 智海,王盘兴,俞永强,丹利,徐永福,郑伟鹏,2009: 印度洋海温异常对南亚区域净初级生产力影响的数值模拟. 大气科学,第33卷第5期,936-949

53. 张朝林, 丹利,夏茹娣,2009:2009年度大气科学领域项目评审与研究成果分析,地球科学进展,24(12),1385-1390.

54. 张朝林,丹利,罗斯琼,2010:2010年度大气科学领域项目评审与研究成果分析,地球科学进展,25(12),1405-1410.

55. 符传博,丹利,吴涧,魏荣庆,2011::新疆地区雪深和雪压的分布及其55年的变化特征分析.地球物理学进展,第26卷第1期,182-193

56. 丹利,符传博,吴涧,2011:陆气双向耦合模式中全球感热和潜热通量的时空特征模拟.气候与环境研究,第16卷第2期,113-125

57. 丹利,杨富强,吴涧.2011:1960-2009年北京地区城市化背景下蒸发皿蒸发量的时空变化.气象科学,第31卷第4期,405-413

58. 符传博,吴涧,丹利, 2011:近50年云南省雨日及降水量的气候变化研究.高原气象,第30卷第4期,1027-1033.

59. 张朝林,丹利,金啟华,2011:2011年度大气科学领域项目评审与研究成果分析, 地球科学进展,26(12),1336-1340.

60. 符传博, 丹利, 魏荣庆. 2013:新疆地区夏季多层土壤温度分布及其近45年的变化特征.气候与环境研究, 第18 卷第3期,288-296, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2012.11046.

61. 符传博,丹利,吴涧,魏荣庆,2013:全球变暖背景下新疆地区近45a来最大冻土深度变化及其突变分析.冰川冻土,第35卷第6期,1410-1418

62. 符传博,丹利,吴涧,杨富强,郭俊,2013:近46年西南地区晴天日照时数变化特征及其原因初探.高原气象,第32卷第6期,1729-1738,doi:10.7522/j.issn.1000-0534.2012.00162/

63. 曹富强,丹利,马柱国. 2014: 区域气候模式与陆面模式的耦合及其对东亚气候模拟的影响. 大气科学, 第38卷第2期, 322–336, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2013.13112.

64. 符传博, 丹利. 2014: 重污染下我国中东部地区1960-2010年霾日数的时空变化特征. 气候与环境研究,第19卷第2期,219-226, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2014.13213.

65. Peng Jing, Dan Li, 2014: The soil moisture and net primary production affected by CO2 and climate change using a coupled model, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, Vol.7, 269-274,doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0100..

66. 占俊杰,丹利.2014:广州地区人为热释放的日变化和年际变化估算. 气候与环境研究, 第19卷第6期,726-734,doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2013.13149.

67. 符传博,丹利,陈红,何鑫. 2014:重污染下华南地区小雨和低云量的时空变化趋势特征. 热带气象学报,第30卷第6期,1106-1114.

68. 曹富强,丹利,马柱国.2015:中国农田下垫面变化对气候影响的模拟研究.气象学报,73(1),128-141.

69. 符传博, 陈有龙,丹利,唐家翔. 2015:近10年海南岛大气NO2的时空变化及污染物来源解析,环境科学,36(1),18-24.

70. 符传博, 唐家翔,丹利, 陈有龙. 2015:2013年冬季海口市一次气溶胶粒子污染事件特征及成因解析,环境科学学报,35(1),72-79.

71. 彭静,丹利,2016:百年尺度地球系统模式模拟的陆地生态系统碳通量对CO2浓度升高和气候变化的响应,生态学报, 36(21):6939-6950,doi: 10.5846/stxb201312022862.

72. 符传博,丹利,唐家翔,杨薇,2016:1960~2013年华南地区霾污染的时空变化及其与关键气候因子的关系,中国环境科学,36(5),1313-1322

73. 符传博,唐家翔,丹利,何媛,2016:1960~2013年我国霾污染的时空变化,环境科学,第9期, 3237-3248

74. 符传博,唐家翔,丹利,薛羽君,2016: 2014年海口市大气污染物演变特征及典型污染个例分析,环境科学学报, 36(6), 2160-2169

75. 符传博,唐家翔,丹利,薛羽君,2016:基于卫星遥感的海南地区对流层NO2长期变化及成因分析,环境科学学报,36(4), 1402-1410

76. 符传博,丹利,2018:大气污染加剧对中国区域散射辐射比例的影响,科学通报,63(25),2655-2665

77. 邓慧平,王倩,丹利,2018:气候对森林-径流关系的影响,水资源与水工程学报, 29(4):18-24

78. 窦以文,丹利,严中伟,李珍,胡保昆,史君卿,2018:基于均一化观测序列的京津冀地区气候变化格局分析,气候与环境研究,23(5),524-532

79. 符传博,丹利,唐家翔,林晓斌,2018:近33年海南岛霾污染的气候特征及天气型分类,气候变化研究快报, 7(5),371-380

80. 邓祥征,丹利,叶谦,王兆华,刘宇,张雪艳,张帆,祁威,王国峰,王佩,白羽萍,2018:碳排放和减碳的社会经济代价研究进展与方法探究,地球信息科学学报, 20(4),405-413

81. 邓慧平,王倩,丹利,杨秀静,杨富强,2018:气候变化对西南亚高山区流域碳水平衡的影响模拟,生态环境学报, 27(11),2057-2064

82. Yang Xiujing, Dan Li, Yang Fuqiang, Peng Jing, Li Yueyue, Gao Dongdong, Ji Jinjun and Huang Mei, 2019. The integration of nitrogen dynamics into a land surface model. Part 1: model description and site-scale validation, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters,12(1), 50-57.

83. 符传博,丹利,冯锦明,彭静,营娜,2019:1960~2012 年中国地区总云量时空变化及其与气温和水汽的关系,大气科学, 43 (1), 87?98

84. 窦以文,丹利,胡保昆,史君卿,2019:霾天气影响下的京津冀气候变化特征与成因,中国环境科学,39(2),506-513

85. 符传博,唐家翔,丹利,马明明,2019:2014—2016年海口市空气质量概况及预报效果检验,环境科学学报,39(1),270-278

86. 高冬冬,丹利,范广洲,彭静,杨秀静,杨富强,李悦悦,2019. 地球系统模式中植被净初级生产力百年尺度时空变化及其与气候的关系, 气候与环境研究24(6), 663-677, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2018.18052

87. 邓慧平,丹利,王倩. 2019:西南亚高山区流域植被演替与地表水量平衡对气候变化的敏感性模拟. 水资源与水工程学报,30(3), 1-8.

88. 唐家翔,符传博,丹利,林晓斌. 2019:海南地区一次霾过程特征及污染物潜在源区分析研究. 环境科学与管理,44(6), 33-38.

89. 高冬冬,丹利,范广洲,田汉勤,彭静,杨秀静,杨富强,李悦悦. 2019: 中国植被碳通量与氮沉降通量百年尺度时空变化及其与气候的关系. 中国科学, https://doi.org/10.1360/N072018-00289

Gao Dongdong , DanLi, Fan Guangzhou , Tian Hanqin , Peng Jing , Yang Xiujing , Yang Fuqiang ,& Li Yueyue.2019. Spatiotemporal variations of carbon flux and nitrogen depositionflux linked with climate change at the centennial scale in China. Science China-Earth Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-018-9548-3

90. 符传博,丹利,2019:全球对流层中层二氧化碳柱浓度数据集(2003–2015).全球变化数据学报,3(2),149-154.

91. 邓慧平,丹利,王倩,杨秀静,杨富强,2020:气候与植被覆盖变化对西南亚高山区流域碳水循环的影响模拟.气候与环境研究(已接收)


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